Monday, January 16, 2017

Winter Homework

Hi Guys,

Congratulations on finishing a great semester. We learned lots. Here is the Winter Homework. It's pretty fun and easy. Just make a poster about the trip you are planning to take during the winter vacation. I am sending home a handout for the homework tomorrow. In case you lose it, here it is. You can always check the blog!

2017 Winter Homework

    This year we have almost four weeks of winter vacation. It starts January 19th and continues until the new semester begins on Monday, February 13th. There are a couple of fun projects to do during the holiday.

     With mom and dad’s help, make a big poster showing what you did over the winter vacation. We will hang the posters all around our classroom! So, take lots of pictures while your whole family is cleaning the house before New Year’s Day… on vacation in a foreign country…or visiting relatives around Taiwan. What traditions do your family have to celebrate the New Year? Try to take the pictures yourself. Under each photo, write a caption (1 or 2 sentences that describe the action and people in the photo.)
    If you don’t want to take pictures and make a big poster, the second thing you can do is to draw a picture on a regular sized piece of paper that illustrates the coolest thing you did over the Winter Break. Write a short description (4 or 5 sentences) talking about your illustration and why it was the best, coolest, most awesome thing you did. That’s all!
    On your own, you might want to ask mom and dad to take you to a bookstore and get a few books to read. The more you read, the better you write, and the best schools always take the best writers. Also, it will make your school life so much easier if you read lots of books during your free time. Start a new good habit, this vacation and read as much as you can…whenever you can. Leaders are Readers.
     If you didn’t get enough stamps for your pencil, pen or big special prize during this fall semester, don’t worry. You’ll have a fresh start when the spring semester begins to get 100 stamps and the cool prizes. Have a great Chinese New Year and I’ll see you all on Monday, February 13th, 2017 at 7:50 in the morning. Don’t be late!

See you in February,

Mr. T. Kuhel 303